Monday, April 28, 2008

Fun Fashion Facts

Thousands of years before there were mini-skirts or Doc Maartens, there was fashion. Women have always looked for ways to beautify themselves. See how many of these fun fashion facts you know.

*Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, was said to use kohl to widen her eyes. Egyptian women are also said to have used henna to lighten their hair.

*The “Gibson Girl” look, popularized in 1890 by Charles Dana Gibson, came to symbolize the sensible American girl's ideal image.

*Perfume is an over $10 million dollar industry. It's been used as far back as the Ancient Egyptians, who used it in religious rituals.

*The modern era of perfume began in 1921 with Coco Chanel's launch of Chanel No. 5, an exotic floral blend, created by Ernest Beaux.

*Prior to 1850, 70 percent of the clothes worn were hand-stitched by the people who wore them. Clothes were a commodity, not fashion.

*Fashion designers of the 1500s showed their designs by crafting doll clothes versions of their fashions and taking them to shows.

*It's only quite recently, about 200 years, that children have had clothes distinct from those of adults. Earlier, they just wore smaller sizes.

*The Phoenicians of 2300 B.C. favored a simple garment made from a triangular piece of cotton, for both sexes. It draped across one shoulder.

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