Monday, September 1, 2008

Leisure suit – The Style of 1970s

In men’s fashion suits, leisure suit is a fashionable suit of 1970s consisting of shirt like jacket, matching pants usually made up of stretchable double knit polyester. The man suit is considered to be emblematic of the era’s taste in men’s clothing.

Discount suits are also available in leisure suits which are associated in popular culture for bar, gangsterism, conversely with clueless dressing.

The fashion has some precedent in the styles of 70s and earlier, but leisure suit became popular only when with the creation and popularization of synthetic materials unprecedented cheapness met with a culture that had come to hate formality. It gained popularity with the promise to bring a stylish double breasted suit that could be used in formal business, but was comfortable and trendy enough for everyday wear.

The sub-genre of leisure suit culture is "full Cleveland". The full Cleveland is a leisure suit combined with a white belt and white dress shoes.

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