Thursday, July 3, 2008

What does the color of your swimming suit tell about you?

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Dark blue

Psychologists approve, that the most advantageous color for a swimming suit and swimming trunks - is dark blue and all its Mens Tuxedo shades. Color of the 2 button suits sky and the mens suits sea “cools” undesirable hot sights and makes you look Mans Dress Suit lady-mysteriousness. At the Suits Information it will emphasize Brown Suits athleticism and will hint on … intelligence. Choosing dark blue suits for men, you undesirably inform people that you are quiet, counterbalanced, and self-sufficient and you are adjusted on acquaintances with exclusively serious intentions, without any platitude. By the way, women with “magnificent” forms are better to be covered with light business suits (this color conceals all surpluses of the figure).


It is necessary to be very cautious with this brown suits color. Light green unprofitably shades a skin, and it also Mens Wedding Suit signals about psychological immaturity. Though you if you wish to be thoughtless, you can risk.


The red double breasted suits and suit three piece will raise and draw all attention to you. Do you really need this? Recently, the American psychologists have leaded an experiment: they have dressed up nice girls in swimming suits of different colors. These girls have walked before men suits studying them for 5 minutes. Then girls dressed up and were again showed to black suits, offering to guess, what the color of each girl’s Mans Dress Suit was. It has appeared that all Mens double breasted suits colors were approximately equally guessed - with accuracy from 60 up to 70 %, except for the red: the girls flaunted before men in Double breasted men's suits of this color, have not been noticed at all. And all this happened because Mens Italian Suit eyes stared at girls’s bodies, but not their faces.


It is playful color. It will give out your carelessness and lightness.
It is shown for young girls and maidens.


This color is presumed only by young girls with a good figure (though also it will give Mens Business Suit. those features of easy bitchiness) as it gives out all the Mensdouble breasted suit defects of the figure and it dexterously emphasizes “the toasts, eaten for a breakfast”.


White color is preferred by Suit for men touchy and mollycoddles people.
Choose smooth, and an impressive, “thick” fabric, probably, not cleanly white, and Suits men with impregnations.

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