Thursday, August 28, 2008

Zoot suit

Zoot suit is a suit with high-waisted, wide-legged, tight-cuffed pegged trousers and a long coat with wide lapels and wide padded shoulders. Excellent wedding suits, double breasted suits, single breasted suits are available in zoot suit.

The style of wearing zoot suit clothing was popularized by Hispanics, Italian Americans, African Americans, and Filipino Americans during the late 1930s and 1940. It is a high waisted, wide legged, tight cuffed pegged trouser and long coat with wide lapels and wide padded trousers. Zoot suits are one of the fashion suits during the late 1930s and 1940.

In zoot suit, mens designer suit, mens pinstripe suit can be used for special occasion like personal or official parties. The material amount and tailoring required made them luxurious item and most of the young people use to wear as moderate version.

White suits, black suits, pinstripe suit, business zoot suit is featured with a watch chain dangling from the belt to the knee or from back to side pocket.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Attractive Double Breasted Men's Suits

In clothing, Double breasted men's suits refer to a coat or jacket or similar garment having a very wide overlap in the front and, usually, two parallel columns of 2 buttons suit or snaps. (By contrast a single-breasted coat has a narrower overlap and one column of buttons.) Almost, some of the men suits are decorated with one column of buttons. Only those at the outer edge of the overlap actually fasten the two layers together. The others, placed on the outside of the outer layer, either serve no purpose or allow the overlap to be reversible. Business suit, wedding suits, fashion suits, Pea coats and some trench coats are traditionally double-breasted.
Double breasted suit coats are almost always kept buttoned. When there is more than one to fasten (as in a traditional six-on-two arrangement), only the top one need be fastened; in some configurations, the wearer may elect to fasten only the bottom button, in order to present a longer line.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Women's suits

The earliest women's Black suits were riding habits, which consisted of a tailored coat or jacket and matching skirt from the 1660s. Practical and sturdy, riding habits were worn not only on horseback, but also for travel and other daytime pursuits. Fashion Suits not intended for riding appeared in the later 19th century. Both riding habits and walking suits reflected the skirt and sleeve styles of the day.

In the first half of the 20th century, the skirted suit became the common daytime city costume for women, in the workplace and out; dressmaker suits featured softer fabrics and "feminine" details, and cocktail suits were worn for semi-formal occasions in mid-century.

Under the influence of Dress for Success, a working woman started using Formal Suits and their uniform were skirted suit, tailored shirt, and floppy tie evolved in the 1970s and 1980s. Pantsuits (women's suits with trousers) were introduced by designer André Courrèges in 1964 but were only gradually accepted as formal business attire.